Friday, February 3, 2012

Conforming to mediocrity...

By primordial common sense, human beings are basically, gregarious. Meaning, we all form groups in order to survive. Thus, enter the eventual existence of the "alpha", the leader, the chieftain, or as what Cesar Millan suggests,"the pack leader". Yeap! So after surviving the Jurassic era, the great meteor crash that brought forth an abrupt climate change and basically the rise and fall of so-called kings with crowns that could buy a thousand parcels of barley fields, we, human beings, are now at the, well, for lack of better terms, era of placing mediocrity up on that almighty pedestal of power and money.

They say that lands are conquered by the powerful. I mean, I couldn't deny that fact since my very own country has been under foreign hands for over (let's see, 300 years under Spain, 20 under America and Japan combined, and about the same 20 years under the very Leeches of our Filipino nationality, making it) about 400 years. The world, according to bankrupted conspirators, is even under the very hands of a few prominent and filthy rich American bankers. "New World Order" as dubbed, but how is that even possible? I mean... OK! This entry will not get any more political from here! 

But yes, people are powerful, they, WE, believe whatever others want us to believe and at the same time make others believe whatever nonsense we want them to believe. But I guess at the end of the day, when our all-ruling ruthless leaders are at rest, we all find the true kings and queens within ourselves. "One man can make a difference", the very personifications of such being Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and yes even Jesus Christ. So when at the end of the day, the almighty "pack leader" leads no more than himself towards the yellow brick road of greed and deceit, there will always be a Dorothy somewhere going berserk inside her blizzard-flying house ready to smash her way into that greedy little green "pack leader" witch's head!

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