Friday, April 20, 2012

like the stars

What's the one word you hate the most?

You might have read from my past entry that my favorite word of all time is "sparkle". I was being serious. I don't know why but there's an ounce of relief whenever I say it. Sparkle. Like the cheap soda or a seemingly familiar lyrics from one of Mariah Carey's songs. Sparkle, like the stars. That's it. Precisely like the stars.

On the other hand, the one word I dread the most is leukemia. Every facet of it! A loved one died of it a few years back and it's like suddenly, the whole dictionary was all about the disease. My aunt was 42. Two years of therapy, a few months of temporary relief, then, a relapse. She was so young, perky and selfless. I had to sleep with her at the hospital every weekend on my last year in high school, she looked stronger than she felt, seemed as if she wasn't afraid to die at all! That's wrong. Nobody, especially at her age, should be NOT afraid of dying. It's probably been about 4 years since she passed away. Sometimes, I forget that she's gone.

I've known a significant number of people battling leukemia, young, old, it's all the same, death and pain is postponable... but inevitable.

Yes, leukemia (or the mere mortality of the terminal human body) scares the big shit outta me, but I guess it takes ending our mortality for us to become Immortal.

Sparkle. Like the stars, where my aunt and grandfather are. Illuminating, guiding, immortal.

♫ No matter how far the view, I still always look up to you... ♫

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