Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Flower Pot...

Last Valentine’s he gave me a flower pot with a very tiny seedling. He said he will NEVER give me flower bouquets on Valentine’s.  According to him, the whole bouquet or single rose thing was a rather ironic way to show a woman how much she is loved. You see, if the very bouquet represents a guy’s love for his girl, then would the whole feeling eventually die after (what?) a week? A month? Nevertheless, would the whole feeling die in eventuality? “Funny way to show love”, he added.

That was when he thought of buying me that flower pot.

You see, like this seedling, my love for you will grow but you also have to do your part. Water it, bask it in the sun, protect it from pests, hide it from the storm, talk to it, give it a larger pot when it grows. And when this seedling grows into the plant that it is to become, you will be proud to marvel at its beauty. That, my dear, is how much I love you.  I love you because of the things you do. I love you because with you, I grow. I love you because, though I was never really something that’s wrapped in pretty paper, you accepted me, protected me and took care of me during the 364 un-Valentine’s days of each year. I was once a seedling, and because of the love that you’ve given me, I am now (or will soon be) a tree that is marveled by all those around me.”

Happy Valentine's Day!

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Cebuano's guide to earthquake relief and tsunami mass hysteria

Note: I AM a PROUD Cebuana. The following entry is meant to humor. If you can't take the sarcasm then I suggest you look up for its meaning in the dictionary. Enjoy. :)

It's all over the news. Cebu City gets hit by a 6.8 magnitude earthquake. The epicenter being somewhere in the seas of Negros (Tayasan). Just a few hours after the unprecedented phenomenon, the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PhilVolcS) issued a tsunami warning on the western parts of the region. Thus, Western towns of Cebu island (Cebu City being on the East side) were to be prepared for an impending (though minor) tidal action on its coast lines. 

How do I describe this... hmmmm. Ok. So basic Philippine geography teaches us that Philippines is an archipelagic country. Thus, islands and islets are scattered forming the legally collective republic. Major islands are Mindanao and Luzon (respectively), Visayas being the "very archipelagic " region. Cebu and   Tayasan   are in Visayas.   Tayasan   just West from Cebu Island. Cebu City being very much East from  Tayasan  (since Cebu City is also on the Eastern part of Cebu island). And so, the funniest part of the day was the mass hysteria and panic of Cebu City's general population. People downtown running to the higher elevated barangays to avoid the impending "deluge". Pfft!  Really? This just goes to show that (at least) most (or some) of us are not at all familiar with our basic geography.

So here are eight of my personal Cebuano guide to utter mass hysteria. Because, you know what they say, if you can't beat the senses out of them, you might as well join them:

  1. Give us about a minute to fully accept the fact that "Oh my Gandalf! THAT really was an earthquake!"
  2. Grab your MOST valued possession (meaning, your 4-feet high fridge, your multi-breed askal dog, your whole wardrobe closet, your CPU and monitor, and yes, you can even carry that 2-week old third-hand bike if you want to) and run for safety
  3. When at home, DO NOT listen to the radio or watch the news. INSTEAD! Spread that utterly hilarious text message that the downtown area is already on waist-high sea waters due to the tsunami attack! Holy mother of Midi-chlorians! *face palm until black and blue
  4. Run for the mountains. YES! Run and be hasty because of the Tsunami WARNING!!! I REPEAT! TSUNAMI W-A-R-N-I-N-G!
  5. Because the tsunami is predicted to start in  G Tayasan   (just across the Western side of Cebu island), PANIC especially when you're in Cebu City (Eastern part of Cebu island).
  6. Be relieved and confident that an impending tsunami is in fact, impossible... one hour after PhilVolcS cancelled the tsunami warning.
  7. Aftershocks are normal. Yeap, norma--- "Oh my Gandaalf!!! We're dooooooooooooomed!!!"
  8. Pray (and NO, I'm not being sarcastic) because I know Prayers can save. Always!
In culmination, the whole ruckos might have leveled-up our general sense of panic and the automatic run for safety, but Cebuanos also proved to be masters of another thing during the whole event, Faith. One that is unshaken by even the strongest of tremors. Stronger Faith, renewed Faith and new Faith. 

The death toll of the quake has reached 43. If our Faith has never failed us before then I'm sure it will NOT fail us now. God NEVER fails. Pray for Cebu. PRAY especially for Negros. God Bless and Good Night.

6.8 magnitude hits ubeC and all I thought of was...

February 6, 2012 GMT +8 (Philippines). About 1130 to 12nn. A 6.8 magnitude quake hits the city. Initially I thought the mere shaking of my desk top was but the usual habit of my office-mate's (uncanny) shaking of the knees (the type that hits the desk). Did not react at first because ALG does the same exact thing every time but when the rest of the guys in the office started running for the door, it hit me... Mom!

You see, being (literally) at the center of the archipelago, Cebu City is not really used to quakes. In a year, the most that would hit us is probably about 2 (one of which is not even worth the magnitude charts). I'll probably leave the scientific statistics to the experts but to us, the general mass, the initial priority will always be safety.

The flight or fight response, an innate capability common to all sentient beings. To run for safety during an hour of distress is basically human but to look after the safety of others is beyond the normalcy of being human. Super Human even. The super human capability of looking after other people's safety was magnified today. When strangers actively instructed others what to do when an aftershock hits, and yes, especially through the very act of calling the people we loved to ask if they too are safe. 

As I said, we are not really used to phenomena like these, typhoons yes but tectonic movement of a greater magnitude (quakes and tsunamis), no. For a brief second there, I even thought the whole rockus was a premature warning of the virally feared 2012 Armageddon. I was afraid (hell yes!). Prayed my Christian heart out for the people I loved and myself. But the very moment I called my mom and she told she was alright, my relief level exceeded the anxiety. And just like that, when all my prayers were answered with such haste, I was not afraid anymore.

This is not the end of the world, I know it. A test of Faith, maybe. But if our Maker decides such then I pray for strength. I am not ready for anything catastrophic (heck, just this morning, I was not even ready to face a new research partner on a meeting) but as long as I'm with my mom, I will do anything for us to survive. Anything.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

If only the people in AHS listened to me...

He was in my dreams again last night. Tate. His face free from dissociation. His aura, the very epitome of innocence. He came to me, just outside our porch while I was seemingly sketching the corpses of birds on the kiosk Dad recently set up. He told me life and death were the same, that the difference between the two was just an infinitesimal spec known as reason. You see, in life, everything had a reason, but in death, none. And in that insignificant second, I believed him. His eyes bore into mine like a dagger slicing to the very core of my soul. 

Tate, had no reason... to live. Whereas I, glancing at the healed marks on my right wrist, had... wait... the marks are healed. Completely! I had innumerable attempts before but the marks scarred for weeks. I look at Tate, his face devoid of any known emotions. Then he smiles at me, held out his  balled fist and handed me a pill box. "You won't be needing that anymore." He smirks. The box was empty. "I saved you." Tate adds. And in that brief moment, I smiled for reasons I... I don't know. My angel of death. Tate Langdon.

American Horror Story. I prayed for strength every time I was about to watch every episode. So much strength that I was only up to the third episode. haha! The rest, I read online. Pure Horror, I must say and Psychological at that! Slept with the lights on ever since.

You see, I was never the bravest of the brave when it came to horror flicks. In fact the only movies I could gulp-up in the horror spectrum are zombie movies. They always end up the same! I mean, they either die, live or immortal! Ghosts, vampires, zombies, or freaks of nature like that perverted hobo in Jeepers Creepers, the story lines are always always the same. Amercian Horror Story is no different. 

Common sense, I think that's the only factor missing in most (if not all) horror flicks. So here, in connection with my leveled-up cowardice brought about by American Horror Story, I've listed five simple ways to avoid impending paranormal hostilities:
  1. When transferring to a new dwelling, NEVER move to a house with HORROR written all over it! Really, I don't even have to explain this issue, I mean can you give me one horror flick with a house that doesn't not shout "Creepy!"?
  2. For heaven's sakes! Lock the doors, dude! Ghosts or no ghosts, you wouldn't want a mixture of mortals and paranormals intervening your everyday lives, would you? I mean, if ghosts are your most preferred banes of existence, then keep it that way! Avoid that seemingly creepy widow (with an equally creepy mongoloid of a daughter) you have as a neighbor if you have to!
  3. If the boy that you're attracted to corrects your suicidal activities or threatens your bully of a friend (who, by the way had scratch marks all over her face after the "threat") on the basement, that either tells you  that he's a sadistic psycho or that he's the sexiest man alive (still with a mental psychosis but sexy nonetheless).
  4. Seriously! If you've been bedding your husband for ten years or more, then I guess you're very much familiar with his physique. Meaning, whether or not he's wearing the kinkiest S&M rubber suit that covers his face or nothing at all, I would guess you'd be very familiar with his (how do I say this..?) size (?). And with that, you could really save the world from bringing forth (thus, conceiving) the son of the devil! 
  5. Lastly, if your husband cheats on you in the very bed you've been sharing for about a decade, scarring him with a knife is not enough. Stab him! Castrate him! Kill him for all I care! Two words, extenuating circumstances. 

But then again, I genuinely believe that the very element of suspense and thrill makes all horror films different from all the other genres in cinema. All in all, horror films will always be the only films in cinema history that will literally keep you at the edge of your seats. 

And yes, Tate Langdon is probably the only ghost I want creeping out the from under my bed every night. EVERY night!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Lunatic and proud

It is common knowledge that the, euphemistically, old (meaning, not anymore used in the professional field due to its eventual degrading connotation) psychological diagnosis dubbed as "Lunatic" is rooted from the word "Luna", Lunar, thus, the Moon. Lunatics are then diagnosed as those of full jest ONLY when the moon is present in the night sky. Moonstruck as they call it. Brings about the irregular and abrupt change in human behavior basically because as the moon controls the earth's tides through gravity, it also does the same to the human anatomy being 70% water and all.

Makes me think really, who doesn't go loonie by the very sight of the moon? I mean, it's the largest thing in the night sky! Some days it smirks, then smiles (reminds me of the Cheshire cat), then balls up and poof! gone just like that!

Three days before the full moon, thus, I've decided to open my curtains tonight (same routine I do whenever I see the Moon voyeuring its way outside my bedroom window) and welcome the majesty of good old Luna's light prancing around my bedroom.

Yes, I'm a proud lunatic. Heck, I'd even worship the old rock for just being awesome floating around us and shit! I'm a big fat lunatic that even my feminine cycle is in sync with the moon's monthly cycle (insignificant information, I know!).

But yes, generally, the moon will always be an obvious mystery. A two-faced stranger lit up by reflection from a far more majestic entity, the sun. Pink Floyd even pointed out that there is indeed "no dark side of the moon" due to the very fact that it is "all dark". So may it be mystery, a source of witchcraft and sorcery, the life source of vampires and lycanthropes, or just a plain old splendor of science living in symbiotic relationship with our very own Gaia, the Moon will always be (literally) our light in the night.

So to end this entry, I thus quote Khal Drogo (from the Game of Thrones): "Yer jallan atthari anni". The Moon of my life. Precisely because only the moon can bring light to the dark of the night just as Daenerys Targaryen was to his sadistic Dorthraki ways.

Friday, February 3, 2012

Something I found while browsing through my Tumblr

is not solely defined by blood; it is that one common divine entity that keeps all matter connected.
science named it electromagnetism, sometimes gravity.
brotherhood is not solely defined by kinship or ethnicity. 
not by race or religious diety. 
not by marks or prophetic amalgamy.
brotherhood is not defined by blood. 
brotherhood is a force unseen that enables the human being to risk, give and (often times) take lives in order for others to live. 
the brotherhood of Christianity stands as a perfect example with Jesus as the main mediator. 
the brotherhood of families, friends, and all sentient and non sentient being is not solely defined by blood, but it can purely be defined by love--- the most common of all instincts.

from: http://queenbamidala.tumblr.com/post/6756295253/brotherhood

Channeling your inner Tyler Durden...

Tyler Durden.

This ruthless son-of-a-hippocampus-twice-removed-by-his-biological-hypothalamus has been known in contemporary history as the Father of Fight Club. Yes, that double-standard club where the eight initial rules were just the beginning of a communistic Nottingham-ish project for freedom and peace, ironically called "Mayhem".

Here are six ways of channeling the Durdens in all of us. Yes, all of us behind the desk with daily routines of coffee, water, piss breaks (I would call it cigarette breaks except that I don't smoke), water, fax, occasional pish posh with colleagues, basically the 8-hour long unmitigated-mentally-draining-tasks as a product of four long years of sleepless nights, deadlines and hardcore memorization generally called "College". To all the losers out there, get ready to smack your own faces and live!

  • Try something new. Screw the routine! Geez! This one's a cliche but yes. Twenty-four years of doing, liking, and loving the same old things since you were five years old is boring! Ride a roller coaster and barf on the the kid next to you if you have to. Courage is the road to freedom, and perseverance is your Ford Mustang!
  • Break away from the norms. Now this one is hard. Deviance is well, eccentric! But if the norms is being a bitch on you, then banging it continuously only makes it a slut! But I'm not saying break away from the MORAL norms. Well, if you want to, go ahead! hahaha
  • Be in-touch with your "weirdness". You see, I've always believed that everyone of us is weird. Eccentric, exactly! But I guess only those dubbed as geeks, nerds, wackos and that common spectrum are the ones brave enough to embrace them.
  • Leave a legacy. To Durden, well, the Fight Club was his noble prize. One man (technically 2 altering personalities) with his persona and charisma indeed made him a Gandhi of some sort. But kids, if you're reading this then always remember that the ends does not justify the means especially if you get caught!
  • Other people's griefs only makes you weaker. Yup! Damn right. You know, I'm thankful that my friends are not all prissy on me whenever I'm in trouble or depressed because I've always believed that the reasons why people suddenly-become-comforting-and-shit is that somewhere in their subconsciousness, they're thankful that they're not in a deeper shit than I am. So, if you have this mentality, then I suggest... I'm not even going to share the animosities in my head right now. But I guess generally, they're just (plain and simply) comforting. 
  • and lastly, NEVER EVER take medications for Insomnia! haha! I mean HELLOOOOOOO, Tyler Durden is a sexier, wittier and a braver persona than our ordinary personalities. Especially if we're lucky enough to have him as Brad Pitt!

Not that I'm suggesting the emergence of your other psyche personalitites but I guess the existence of Tyler Durden in all of us is, by common sense, a big fat reality slap in the face. That YES! YES I'm better than that airhead superior! Or YES, I can make a change. Tyler Durden is in all of us, whether we channel him/her out by force or not, we'd eventually realize that such persona exists because (the reason is right in front of all us all along), we are our own relief in contemporary and eventuality. 

Romance in Monochrome

Casablanca. hmmmmm. The word itself smells like the aroma of an early morning coffee. Casablanca. 

Last time I saw the movie was some 2 years ago, with my grandmother, after a four (excruciating) hour marathon (yes! marathon!) on Fiddler on the Roof. 

That famous "Here's to looking at you, kid" still makes me swoon like a 14-year old on a Beatles concert. Then "Well, only one answer can take care of all our questions." and BOOOM! Just 2 (of the many famous) one-liners and the movie got a staggering 8 (point something) on IMDB some 70 years from then. Not that the ratings matter (well, actually, they do) but I still think the greatest movies in Hollywood were the ones in monochrome. Easy for me to say, yes, with the advent of IMAX, BluRay and 3D in my time but still, just as antiques become more expensive by the years and scores that they stand, I guess, so are the films. 

To be honest, I've only seen a few flicks in black and white, not more than what I could count with my fingers (on one hand!), but I wish times were just as when these flicks came out. When movies houses are full on the weekends and "drive-in cinemas" are sold-out on popcorns. With the rise of internet streaming and downloading, I think the movie experience has gone a far lower notch (not unless you've got a full-set movie theater complete with Dolby sound system and a 1920 x 1080 display resolution monitor/projector). 

Nevertheless, as long as the flick is worth watching (and of course, worth buying! NO TO INTERNET PIRACY!hihiiii) may it be on a barn, or a pub, or on your Windows 97 PC, then it automatically becomes a blockbuster... to any generation.

Conforming to mediocrity...

By primordial common sense, human beings are basically, gregarious. Meaning, we all form groups in order to survive. Thus, enter the eventual existence of the "alpha", the leader, the chieftain, or as what Cesar Millan suggests,"the pack leader". Yeap! So after surviving the Jurassic era, the great meteor crash that brought forth an abrupt climate change and basically the rise and fall of so-called kings with crowns that could buy a thousand parcels of barley fields, we, human beings, are now at the, well, for lack of better terms, era of placing mediocrity up on that almighty pedestal of power and money.

They say that lands are conquered by the powerful. I mean, I couldn't deny that fact since my very own country has been under foreign hands for over (let's see, 300 years under Spain, 20 under America and Japan combined, and about the same 20 years under the very Leeches of our Filipino nationality, making it) about 400 years. The world, according to bankrupted conspirators, is even under the very hands of a few prominent and filthy rich American bankers. "New World Order" as dubbed, but how is that even possible? I mean... OK! This entry will not get any more political from here! 

But yes, people are powerful, they, WE, believe whatever others want us to believe and at the same time make others believe whatever nonsense we want them to believe. But I guess at the end of the day, when our all-ruling ruthless leaders are at rest, we all find the true kings and queens within ourselves. "One man can make a difference", the very personifications of such being Luther King Jr., Gandhi, and yes even Jesus Christ. So when at the end of the day, the almighty "pack leader" leads no more than himself towards the yellow brick road of greed and deceit, there will always be a Dorothy somewhere going berserk inside her blizzard-flying house ready to smash her way into that greedy little green "pack leader" witch's head!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Rapture of words.

The "Eureka moment", that moment of sudden epiphany and abrupt flow of discovery. Just as an artist brushes every paint strokes ever so impulsively, as if on a trance, to form his greatest masterpiece. The "Eureka moment". Yes, that's how I call it. The moment when an idea hits me like a big fat doobie. Stoned, ecstatic, that sudden rapture of text.
Here is where my mind speaks louder than my mouth and where pictures aren't as beautiful as when they are written.
Here is where my head is in solace and my mind is in a state of rapture. Rapture of words...

I am The Walrus and ---err--- kukukachoo!