Sunday, September 23, 2012

With love, from Ancient Sumer and The Greys

Okay, so I'm not really a big fan of this "we are not alone in this universe" mania but the innumerable accounts (bogus or fact) of sightings, abductions and ancient proofs might have probably proven such existence. So, are we alone in this immeasurable space of dark matter and flaming clouds? I don't know for sure although I think Giorgio Tsoukalos can debate me (with a 90% chance of winning) otherwise.

My nephew has finally arrived at that very stage of human development where one of the primal questions in life is "Where do I come from?". My nephew is 3 years old (and named after the god of lightning, Zeus). Though I might have tried my very best to repress my cousin's (Zeus' mother) answer, which was in one way or another very close to the scientific explanation of conception with a twang of fairytale, but really, asking our parents where we come from is just the beginning of perhaps volumes and volumes of encyclopedic questions about WHERE we really originated.

Forgive me if I'm straying out of the scientific context of human conception in this entry. It's just that... Tsoukalos' hair is just awe-inspiring.

In Erich Von Daniken's Chariot of the gods and basically the whole 4 seasons of History channel's Ancient Aliens, the popular, if not, most unorthodoxically accepted, answer to the very question of where everything in this rock of an Earth came from is in fact from our "space brothers". Gods, they were thought to have been called by ancient Sumerians, The Greys with a very distinctive triangular-close-to-circular shape of head and 2 huge almond-like eyes. Yes, my friends, these very aliens are believed (more like conspired) to have been the very source of human existence. Makes sense really. Although the whole thing might, in a way, rule out numerous Biblical information but, what if? What if those so-called angels with  glaring wings from the old testament were symbolically construed space suits or the "rain of fire" terminating the Deuterocanonical cities of Sodom and Gamorrah was in fact a nuclear airstrike from supreme space beings? Don't get me wrong, I am a believer of the Spiritual Faith, but what with all these (literally) out-of-this-world explanations rooting from the over-analyzation of ancient texts, biblical sources, hieroglyphs and what-nots, it can certainly shake opinions and emerge questions about human existence.

Ancient aliens genetically bio-engineering their very own DNAs (or whatever they have) to samples and samples of specimens in their glowing petri dishes to create the perfect being. And might I add, beings in their own image and likeness. Boom! Now I sound like Tsoukalos! If you have been watching Ancient Aliens, you might have probably heard the previous lines in 2 out of the total number of episodes in each seasons. That the very creator of our planet are close-to-extinct spacelings in the hopes of perpetuating their lives (or new ones) in a world capable of sustaining life. And so, fast forward to a million years, their very creations built them temples of sacrifices and send them messages through land markings to appease them, honor them and worship them. The sky gods of the ancient worlds. The masters of Giza, Teotihuacan, Nazca, Niniveh, Sumeria. All once believed as ridiculous and irrational are now known (and in some ways, accepted) theories of Earth's origin.

But I say those so-called ancient aliens are just us. Yup, travelling back in time to make history more interesting. Space gray humanoids with huge heads and 2 huge eyes, sounds very much like a human space suit to me *shrug*. meh

So where do we come from? Spermatozoa, evolved chimpanzee, some guy's rib, clay baked over a mythological titan's oven, flock of storks, an alien species from Mars, or a selfless and pure being we all call by different names, should it  even matter? If we'd eventually know the very truth, satisfying as it might sound, what happens after then?


We are sentient beings, capable of cognition. Our capabilities are endless, thus, we evolve. Our mortality is a gift and so we thrive to live out the very fabric of our existence in search for truth and further truth.

Where do we come from? I think it's all better to leave the question hanging.

Besides, it's more fun that way.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Howls of Winter

Storm winds slither into the windowsills. Mordecai, my brother's golden retriever, has been howling at the zephyrs since dusk, this old town just got a notch higher to creepy, I internally debate, lighting perhaps the only lantern in the cabin's hallway.

"Suddenly feels like one of those screamer scenes from a slasher movie, eh?" Gab, our cousin from Michigan, announced at the dinner table, lighting perhaps his 20th reefer roll since we arrived this morning.

This whole summer camp cabin in the woods weekend was my dad's idea, he said kids today will never appreciate the countryside since the advent of the web and gadgets. We were in Nazca that time. Nazca, the cradle of ancient alien encounter myths and all my brother had to say was "So much for mythology. The only myth here is a WIFI connection and a clear 3G reception." Sure I gave out a slight chuckle but I wasn't entirely sharing his sentiment. I loved the place, no matter how that Tsoukalos guy (despite his ridiculously f*cked up hair-do) and his literally "out-of-this-world" ancient alien doctrines try to debate its eccentricities. 

A loud thud on the roof broke my thoughts. Everyone practically jumped from their seats, except for Jo who was sleeping on Faye's snuggie on the floor. My ears rang from Val's wailing shriek.

"I think we should check what that was." Really? Super storm raging outside and all I could suggest was...

"There's a torch light behind the cupboard, we'll check it out together." Sid, the oldest in the group, ordered.

"Great! Just great. I picked the perfect day to quit drinking..." In an almost-whisper, my brother swore from behind.
